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5 Ws to Ask When Your Work Schedule Gets Interrupted

by Oghenevwogaga Johnson

A lot of emergencies and unplanned tasks interrupt our daily work schedule. What can we do when this happens? Ask yourself these five Ws to help maintain sanity, be productive at work and maintain a better work/life balance.


The Project Economy and You

by Andy Jordan

If you were asked to describe your role in a single statement, what would you say? It’s time to reimagine the contribution you make to your organization. And you may be surprised where that takes you.


Inspiration from Civil Rights Giant John Lewis

from PM Network posted by Aaron Smith on

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from PM Network posted by Aaron Smith on

Virtual Experience Series Delivering Value, Creating Change & Advancing the World™

from The Critical Path posted by Kimberly Whitby on

Future 50: A New Generation of Leaders

from PM Network posted by Aaron Smith on


8 Project Management Lessons from Watching Nature

by R. Sarma Danturthi, PhD, PMP

What can we learn from the ever changing but closely woven network of nature? Taking the opportunity while sheltering at home, the author spent some time watching nature programs and found there were many lessons that could be applied to project management.

The Regular Project Manager 'Managing' in a World Gone Agile

by Katherine Nnanwubar, PMI-ACP, PMP


PMIEF Donor Spotlight: Teresa Burgess, PMP®


PM4L, PMI Melbourne Chapter and PMIEF: Shifting to Virtual Delivery During COVID-19


Find the Professional Development Opportunity That’s Right for You with PMIEF


PMIEF’s Partnerships Help Youth Build Life Skills

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Waterfall or Agile? A Project Hybridization Journey

by Pascal Arnold Varniol
2021免费fq工具 | 61:25 | Views: 2,543 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.84 / 5

Attendees will learn about Waterfall, Agile and their Hybridization, both in Theory and in practice with some examples. The intent is that people start to apply Hybridization Best practices at the end of the Webinar.


The Not-So-Secret Ingredients to Success? People and Purpose

from Voices on Project Management posted by cyndee miller on

By Cyndee Miller Whipping up tapas and shaking cocktails isn’t your typical day in Project Management Land. So why was I watching master chef José Andrés prepare seafood delicac ...


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Project Management Plan and Project Execution Plan

from Project Management Central posted by Vincenzo Musumeci on

What is the difference between this two types of Plan? I always thougth they are the plan named differently ...


Hot Topic – 1 August 2023

from Community Central posted by Emily Luijbregts on

During the month of August, ProjectManagement.com will focus on Communication. I think that Communication skills are the Foundation to being a successful project manager and it's something we can all ...


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from Easy in theory, difficult in practice posted by Kiron Bondale on

If a survey of teams was conducted to find out what they hated the most about working on projects, governance is likely to rank fairly high. Ask a group of project managers working for a large organiz ...

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Nanotechnology Projects

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Nanotechnology is the manipulation, creation, production and manufacturing of materials and or extremely small devices at the scale of atoms or small groups of atoms. Nanotechnology taps into the real ...


TOGAF certification

from Project Management Central posted by Marcus Udokang on

Does anyone have The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) certification? If so, do you find it complements well with project management? ...


Experiences with the PMI Book Club

from Project Management Central posted by Marcus Udokang on

Has anyone been involved with or is involved with the PMI Book Club? What are your experiences with it? Any recommendations, lessons learned, things to plan for if joining the club? If anyone has a UR ...


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30 Years of PMIEF (LIVE Webinar)


Listen in to this webinar to learn: the history of the PMI Educational Foundation; how it makes an impact on the lives of youth around the world; and what the next 30 years have in-store!

Celebrating PMIEF's 30th Anniversary: How a Scholarship Helped an Infantry Officer Transfer to the Private Sector


In this article and video, Dan Kurber shares how project management has made a difference in his personal and professional life, the impact of PMIEF's scholarship and awards program, and the first step you can take to get the next generation involved in project management today.

Join Us for the PMIEF 30th Anniversary Celebration!


Welcome to the PMIEF 30th Anniversary Celebration! All day long, we are celebrating how you can give back to your community through social good efforts! Attend two live webinars, read and comment on articles, and earn a badge!

PMIEF by the Numbers


Learn more about how far PMIEF has come—and the impact of the foundation on youth around the world. Looking to learn even more? Register for the 30 Years of PMIEF Webinar to hear about what the future has in store!

Q&A with Jim Snyder, Founding Member of PMI and Chairman Emeritus of PMIEF


Jim recently took time to answer some questions about the history of the PMI Educational Foundation—its past, present and future—in a revealing and inspiring interview.

The Impact of Giving Back Through PMIEF


In this article, four dedicated PMIEF advocates and donors to the PMI Educational Foundation share their thoughts on the impact of the foundation and why they feel it’s critical for youth to learn and practice a project management skill set.

Tools for Teaching Career Readiness Skills in a Global Economy (LIVE Webinar)


Join PMIEF to learn how Asia Society leveraged PMIEF’s Project Management Toolkit for Teachers® to create these resources that offer an overview of project management basics, sample projects for youth, global career planning resources, workforce readiness rubrics, and video profiles of global careers.

Topic Teasers Vol. 135: The Science of Listening

by Barbee Davis, MA, PHR, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA

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by Gretta Kelzi
July 29, 2023 | 62:20 | Views: 5 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.67 / 5

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by Daniela Constanta Chiricioaia
July 28, 2023 | 62:01 | Views: 175 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.60 / 5

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In the Digital Fray, Don’t Just Converse. Collaborate Inclusively.

by Chivonne Algeo, Katrina Pugh
July 27, 2023 | 62:10 | Views: 218 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.58 / 5

With the move online, we could just begrudgingly endure the meetings and emails. Or, we could build trust, inspire team cohesion, and drive astonishing impact. When we move from in-person work to virtual (or hybrid) work, our communication frequency, structure, participation, and even content change. We risk wasting time in misunderstanding, false-agreement or rework. The Four Discussion Disciplines (4DDs - integrity, courtesy, inclusion and translation) are practices teams can use on email, in meetings, or in posts to address this. In this session, Katrina Pugh (Columbia University, New York, NY) and Chivonne Algeo (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia) will discuss how to lead the 4DDs with your teams, across your organization, and with partners to improve meaning-making and relationship-building.


Program Management in the Public Sector

by Nigel Blampied
July 23, 2023 | 安卓免费fq工具最新 | Views: 53 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.75 / 5

Before the Project Management Institute was formed in 1969, the term “program management” was as common as “project management”. Program management referred mainly to work by public sector agencies. This webinar will discuss the role of program management in government. If you work in government, or want to know more about project and program management in government, this is the webinar for you. We shall consider programs in the context of public organizations, how the nature of government affects programs, and challenges faced in the public sector.


Project Management 3.0: The New PM for the New World

by Ori Schibi
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This session touches on these exact areas by engaging experienced project managers and turning them into centres of excellence that add value wherever they go in the organization – based on actual needs, as opposed to attempting to augment the reality, so it fits into an off-the-shelf methodology. The session does not go “back to basics”, but it provides an overview of key concepts, ideas, skills, and techniques for project managers and those who work with them – to move to the next level, and truly increase their effectiveness and efficiencies toward value creation. We will not address hard skills, but rather those “in between”: interactions, handling situations, “owning” the process around communication, working with other silos and subsequently breaking these silos and adding value.


My Experience Leading an Enterprise Windows 10 Migration Project

by Andrew Gordon
July 22, 2023 | 61:06 | Views: 2,358 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 4.54 / 5

The purpose of this presentation is to summarize and share the strategies, planning, and execution lessons learned from a large scaled Windows 7 to Windows 10 migration project at a large Health Care provider organization. The author will share the challenges presented, and the tactics and techniques developed and implemented by his team to complete the project on schedule and on budget. This is not an instruction guide on how to plan and execute a Windows 10 migration project. This presentation simply shares their lessons learned and best practices with the hope that the audience can harvest one or more point to apply in any future desktop operating system migration project.


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by Michelle Brown, Julie Ho, Gina Alesse
July 22, 2023 | fq必下app | Views: 358 | PDUs: | Rating: 4.57 / 5

Sure, you may have been to PMI events before, but this is a new reality. Join us for this webinar to learn more about a virtual series catered towards your reality —a certified project management pro, a job seeker looking to change careers, a skill builder looking to enhance your project skills, or a soon-to-be member of our community. This series is designed to inspire, inform, engage and entertain—and yes, earn you some valuable PDUs! You will hear from unexpected (and familiar) voices that will show you just how powerful project management is. You don’t want to miss this webinar and hear about this groundbreaking new series from PMI. Learn more at http://www.pmi.org/ExperiencePMI.


Building Bridges between People

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July 21, 2023 | 61:17 | Views: 2,327 | PDUs: 1.00 | Rating: 3.42 / 5

In this webinar let's have a closer look of what intercultural communication is and how we can improve our daily performance in teams, increasing our understanding of inclusion and diversity and self-awareness, the difference between intercultural and intercultural communication.

Decision Log Sample

by Bart Gerardi

A simple decision log can help a project manager keep stakeholders and team members informed, aligned and engaged on decisions made throughout the course of the project. Here is a sample to use or modify to your specific needs. Use in conjunction with the article fq软件下载 安卓.

Risk Register & Response Planning Template

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This Excel workbook contains a risk register and response planning sheet to log risk cause and effects, along with strategy and action plans. It also includes a risk probability and impact matrix. Alter the data validation fields to suit your needs.

Project HEADWAY: Building Business Cases That Matter

PREMIUM presentation
by 2021免费fq工具

It doesn't need to be this way, and good, well-crafted business cases can be important decision tools to guide and support strategic decision making. This presentation dives in to what makes an exceptional business case, and how to build one.

Statistical PERT® Beta Edition

by William Davis

UPDATED for 2023! Statistical PERT® (SPERT®) is a freely licensed, probabilistic, estimation technique. Use Statistical PERT to estimate uncertainties that have bell-shaped risk properties, like: task duration, work effort, revenue, expenses, agile story points, project portfolios, event attendance and more. Use in conjunction with the article Getting Beta with Statistical PERT.

Statistical PERT™ (SPERT™) Estimation Worksheet

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Updated for 2023! Statistical PERT is an estimation technique that project professionals use to align expectations and make better business decisions. Use Statistical PERT to create a probabilistic forecast for many project uncertainties, such as how much your project will cost, or when you might deploy the next agile release. Statistical PERT easily models a wide variety of uncertainties using built-in statistical functions inside Microsoft Excel, making estimation easy to do—even for people who don't like statistics.

Quality Management Workbook

PREMIUM deliverable
by Stefan de Vries

This document allows you to manage quality within your project. It contains sheets to capture a quality management statement, a responsibilities log, an attributes sheet, and a control registry.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Department Communication Plan

PREMIUM deliverable
by Maaz Ibrahim

The purpose of this document is to provide an overall ICT communication strategy and plan for internal and external communication between staff as per their designated roles and responsibilities using specific communication channels such as emails, intranet, etc. This plan identifies audiences, communication channels, frequency, messages and standards.

RAID Log (Risk, Action, Issue, Decision)

PREMIUM deliverable
by Janney Cheeran

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Vendor Events

PMI Minnesota Virtual Professional Development Days 2023: Project Management, Next Evolution

September 28 & 29, 2023 | Virtual
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Jul 29: The Project Economy's Perfect Storm
Jul 15: The Changing Nature of Work
Jul 8: The Value of Building Diverse Skills

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